Close-up image of metallography samples

Olympus SZX SeriesStereo Microscope System for Industrial Research Applications

The SZX Series stereo microscopes offer excellent optical performance. This system’s modularity allows you to create application-specific configurations based on your needs and offers a wide range of modular components for precise inspection and measurement.

[Available only in USA and Canada.]


  • Large Zoom Range
  • A large array of configurations and available options to fit your application needs
  • Advanced ergonomic design for enhanced operator performance
  • Wide range of camera adapters accommodates various image devices and digital photomicrography
  • Multiple illumination options maximize visibility for specific applications
  • Unprecedented image clarity
  • Revolving nosepiece (SZX10 and SZX16)
  • Aperture diaphragm unit
  • Detailed zoom stops
Multiple metallographic stereo microscopes
  • SZX16
    • Zoom range: 0.7X to 11.0X
  • SZX10
    • Zoom range: 0.7X to 6.3X
  • SZX7
    • Zoom Range: 0.8X to 5.6X
  • Pax-it2 Image Management
  • Vibration Isolation Platform
  • HD Camera and Monitor System
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