ASTM International, formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials, is globally recognized as one of the most respected standards development organizations. Standards are developed through the consensus process, with around 150 committees (and over 2,100 subcommittees) participating. Over 150 major global industries are driven by standards crafted through ASTM, including metallography, coal and coke, additive manufacturing technologies, plastics, and more. According to, 12,000 ASTM standards are used today around the world to improve product quality, enhance health and safety, strengthen market access and trade, and build consumer confidence.
LECO participates in six ASTM committees as part of our commitment to empower results and help labs worldwide.
- Committee
E01: Analytical Chemistry for Metals, Ores, and Related Materials
- Committee D05: Coal and Coke
- Committee F42: Additive Manufacturing Technologies
- Committee C26: Nuclear Fuel Cycle
- Committee C07: Lime and Limestone
- Committee D02: Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants
Our main goal in participating is to have an active voice and be involved in the development of standards and guides that relate to the analyzers and other instrumentation that we produce. As part of these committees, we can provide technical expertise on equipment and their relative applications to various materials.
One work item we are currently focusing on is a new test method for analysis of Carbon, Low-Alloy, and Free-Machining Steel by glow discharge atomic emission spectrometry (GD-AES). For this method, specimens to be analyzed may be in the form of a disk, casting, foil, sheet, plate, extrusion, or some other wrought form or shape. There is currently no standard test method for this type of analysis, but there is a need. To see our current Low-Alloy method, fill out the form below.
We will soon be inviting collaborators to the Inter-Laboratory Study for this draft method. If you currently use GD-AES equipment, we would love for you to be involved. If interested, send us a message at and make a reference to this post. We look forward to your participation!
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